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Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:34 pm
by Victrolacollector

I was contacted by Rob from Edisonia last year about duplicating cylinder that I have, I sent him two cylinders, Stars and Stripes and Roll Em' Girls. He was going to make the moulds and cast the resin cylinders.

I heard from him about six months ago and then after a few months of writing him I heard nothing. I hope he is o.k.

Has anyone heard from Rob?


Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:42 pm
by marcapra
I ordered a new cylinder from him of the Edison advertising record and after several weeks I emailed him again, and he wrote back saying it would be out in the next day's mail. After several more weeks I emailed again and no response. Paypal rules said I still had two days to ask for a refund and luckily I got my money back.

Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:51 pm
by BusyBeeCylinder
Cylinder Copies
Cylinder Copies
Hey Jerry - replied to your email 8:17pm last night. Here are pics of the first copies of your records. Will try to get something on youtube later tonite.

If anyone is interested in either of these titles, you will need to contact Jerry.

My daughter got out of the hospital Saturday...Kidney issues...not major problems (I don't think so at least) but she has been the one making / finished / packing shipping for me for quite awhile. When she hasn't been available to help I fall WAY behind. My day job just takes up way too much of my life (no, making records isn't my day job)

For those of you who've tried to order records from my site, you've noticed the stock levels again show zero for everything. We do have inventory but until I'm comfortable that I can pack / ship in a timely manner I'm going to keep the shopping cart closed. I do have a couple records on ebay, but even there I've fallen behind. Should be all caught up by Saturday.

marcapra - I have the advertising records available again. Email me a reminder of your mailing address and I"ll send you a copy gratis...just cover me on the shipping after you receive it. email me at or at


JERRY'S RECORDINGS UPLOADED TO YOUTUBE: [Stars & Stripes - Sousa] [Roll 'Em Girls ]


Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:52 pm
by Victrolacollector
Hi Rob and all:

I did not want alarm anyone, We all have busy lives and health issues etc.

Looking forward to many more great titles from Rob at Edisonia.


Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:14 am
by zapper
Hi Rob
Just listened to your copy of Stars and Stripes. Amazing. I am impressed with the quality and clarity of the recording. Are you playing them with a diamond stylus? It is a shame that I live across the pond and doubt whether a wax cylinder would arrive to me in one piece. However great to hear the recording. Sorry to hear your family health is not good. Hope everything will get back to normal soon.
Kind Regards Brian

Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:41 am
by BusyBeeCylinder
Here is a copy of one of our upcoming releases.....unfortunately I wasn't able to have this one ready for July.

Star Spangled Banner - 4 Minute



Edisonia Records

Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:43 am
by TAP
Rob Lomas,
That's great news that your daughter is out if the hospital. Now that she is better, can you tell me the status of your ACT II reproducers? I ordered and paid for one from you in March 2012. The last I heard from you a year ago, you apologized for the mix up and said you had them in stock and would get back to me that weekend. Thanks.

Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:15 pm
by edisonphonoworks
Rob Those sound great!!!!
I will try to make this clear to all collectors. I know you all think it is a bunch of BS about all of us who make cylinders. Right now, making cylinders is what I do. You can with not much effort put in 75-100 hours a week an not get much done in the cylinder making world. The clock seems to fly at lightning speed while you seem to be in slow motion. I am sure the Mr. Lomas works as hard as he can, and I know from experiments with moulded records, that they can be difficult at times, and these harder materials take hours to set, so if a record does not come out, that is hours not gotten back. I am very glad your daughter is helping you, and may we keep her in our prayers. I have not purchased one of Edisonia's new records but I plan to, they seem wonderful. I am amazed at all the cylinder activity out there, Myself, Paul Morris, Mr. Lomas, Duncan Miller, Peter Dilg and Chuck Richards. I can make about 1500 blanks and records per year for instance, at this time. Some people can only make 50 or 60 a year, but of very high quality. Even though these cylinders seem expensive compared to originals, ladies and Gentlemen the makers are practically giving away there time, in fact much of us lose financially.

I also will put the secret fears and woes on the table when it comes to the new cylinders. Collectors are delighted and dismayed by new cylinders. On one hand you can have all the rare titles that are almost un-obtainable, such as Kansas City Kitty the 1888 Edison letter, the Edison Advertisement record. And such with blanks, the plus side, new blanks such as Chuck Richards, Paul Morris and I make our main object is to provide you with a blank that you can record well with, when you want, and use without fear of destroying history. I know for instance that a Chuck Richards blank takes several Days to make 1, he does it because not only to provide a product ; but also to study all the aspects of blank manufacture in a scientific study with charts, graphs, and calculations very precise his blanks are very uniform. Paul Morris provides a product that everyone knows, an aromatic blank with ribbed bore, made by a man who started out with a curiosity and passion, And can provide his product as quickly as possible, and is a wonderful gentleman and his gentlemanly character shows in his blanks. My blanks started off as childhood curiosity, who sent a letter to Thomas Edison, and got a reply back! ( My letter was addressed Mr. Thomas A Edison West Orange N.J.. My letter to Thomas Edison was replied by Leah Burt, with the formula and procedure for making Edison Gold Moulded records, I still have these papers. Anyhow I always wanted to make an authentic brown wax record, and I just wanted to make them for my own research and enjoyment. Long story short I took some early examples to Union, and Charley Hummel was impressed by the blank and recordings, and he still has it in his collection, so that is where my first self made record is.

Now Why collectors don't like new cylinders.
1. Worry about devaluing original recordings (some)
2. New records are more expensive than original records.
3. New records with modern music might make the hobby attractive to others, and thus reduce the amount of machines to collectors and the general public might buy them. (sometimes the general public values the machines more than collectors do.)
4. New blanks such as mine, in an effort to duplicate authentic style and look, are very hard to tell from original cylinders, it can make rare early cylinders be questionable, as even experts can't tell at a glance a blank like mine from an original, except by close examination. Any recordings I make are engraved on the end of the record, or after the playing grooves, however a collector could shave off the title and sell them as an original I suppose.

Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:59 pm
by BusyBeeCylinder
Rich - just sent you a PM.


Re: Anyone heard from Edisonia?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:57 pm
by Edisone
I'm very pleased with the cylinders I've gotten from Rob.

ps - "America" AND "Star Spangled Banner" on that new one .... 2 for the price of 1 !