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Columbia's First Electric Recording

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:30 am
by edisonplayer
I have a couple copies of Columbia's 1st electric record,"Adeste Fideles',by the Associated Glee Clubs of America.One copy is on the Flag label.This doesn't have the "W".But my other copy,which is on the Viva-Tonal type label,does.Soon after with the electrics on the Flag label the W shows up.Why doesn't my Flag copy have the Western Electric W?edisonplayer

Re: Columbia's First Electric Recording

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:08 pm
by Wolfe
Columbia's first electrical was made in February, 1925. This record was made in March.

I have a couple copies, too, and they are both fairly distorted on the loud peaks. I assume it's the recording and not my copies, which are very clean.

I have not the answer to your query of the in absentia 'W'.