FOR SALE: Victor I $800

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Victor III
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Re: SOLD Pending Payment: Victor I $800

Post by downsouth »



Victor III
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Re: FOR SALE AGAIN: Victor I $800

Post by downsouth »

OK guys, here goes again. I assume we are all on this Forum for the reason to enjoy this hobby to find parts for our machines that we have kept squandered away for years and years in hopes to restore them and every now and then to sell an item or two to be able to fund this great hobby that we have. Once is a while an instance comes along that needs to be cited. This is one of them. This machine was sold recently pending payment from a fellow Bd member. Now we all know that our jobs, life, family, etc all come way before these items that we pursue, but when a commitment is made for purchase a buyer and a seller should be able to communicate with each other. If a buyer decides for some reason that he's not going to be able to purchase the item, they should be able to offer a substantial reason as to why not. Keeping communication open on this Forum should be a no-brainer. We know things come up from time to time and get in the way of things, but by all means communicate, don't leave another Bd Member in the dark. Enough ranting.


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Re: FOR SALE: Victor I $800

Post by Phonofreak »

Very good observation, Wes. Good communication is good manners. I hate it when a Forum members asks me if I have a certain parts for sale. I give them a fair and reasonable price and they say they are interested. I wait for contact information to make the deal. I never hear from them, and send emails if they are still interested. No responses. I'll keep the part, and if this person ever contacts me again for something, I'll tell them not to bother me anymore. I did have a bad experience with a board member. This person would advertise parts and items at excessive prices. Every week, the prices would be reduced. I respond with interest in this part. When I got their address and location, I recognized this from the same person with a different user name. I had trouble with this person before. I asked if this is the same person, but never got an answer. Needless to say, I backed out of the deal. I did have a legitimate reason, like brakes for the car. I haven't heard a peep ever since. As I said before, good communication is good manners. Enough of my rant, too.
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Victor V
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Re: FOR SALE: Victor I $800

Post by Phono-Phan »

Yes, good communication is vital. I have worked out arrangements with several Forum members and haven't had a bad experience yet. Let's keep this hobby/obsession fun!!!! :D

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Victor II
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Re: FOR SALE: Victor I $800

Post by maginter »

Phono-Phan wrote:Yes, good communication is vital. I have worked out arrangements with several Forum members and haven't had a bad experience yet. Let's keep this hobby/obsession fun!!!! :D
Ken, you are really hard too deal with, geezzzz : :lol: With our transaction, those are the most fun. Meeting people in the hobby and expanding our knowledge.
"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine."
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Victor II
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Re: FOR SALE: Victor I $800

Post by maginter »

Phono-Phan wrote:Yes, good communication is vital. I have worked out arrangements with several Forum members and haven't had a bad experience yet. Let's keep this hobby/obsession fun!!!! :D
Ken, you are really hard too deal with, geezzzz : :lol: With our transaction, those are the most fun. Meeting people in the hobby and expanding our knowledge.
"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine."
Nikola Tesla

Victor III
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Re: FOR SALE: Victor I $800

Post by downsouth »

Guys I hated to say anything initially regarding this, and I'm not going to name them here but they know who they are. I ran it past Brandon first and if I had known about this member I probably would have steered clear early on. I've had great dealings with many on this Forum. Bought and sold things and gave things away as well to help out others in the past. I come and go on the board and am not on here all the time. I just don't understand the reasoning concerning this member. If you make a deal with purchasing an item on and off for several days in a row, agree to purchase, agree to send payment, buyer touches base when payment wasnt sent, assuring me that it was going to be sent the following day, all from the buyer, then the next message you receive is "something came up, won't be making the purchase" end of story. Not good in my book. Nothing but crickets chirping. Buyer won't receive personal messages. If I was told something like hey, sorry but I've had unforeseen expenses that came up or something and thanks for your time but I can't purchase the item at this time. No foul, totally understandable. I did nothing wrong. What would you do? Just curious.


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Re: FOR SALE: Victor I $800

Post by gramophone-georg »

downsouth wrote:Guys I hated to say anything initially regarding this, and I'm not going to name them here but they know who they are. I ran it past Brandon first and if I had known about this member I probably would have steered clear early on. I've had great dealings with many on this Forum. Bought and sold things and gave things away as well to help out others in the past. I come and go on the board and am not on here all the time. I just don't understand the reasoning concerning this member. If you make a deal with purchasing an item on and off for several days in a row, agree to purchase, agree to send payment, buyer touches base when payment wasnt sent, assuring me that it was going to be sent the following day, all from the buyer, then the next message you receive is "something came up, won't be making the purchase" end of story. Not good in my book. Nothing but crickets chirping. Buyer won't receive personal messages. If I was told something like hey, sorry but I've had unforeseen expenses that came up or something and thanks for your time but I can't purchase the item at this time. No foul, totally understandable. I did nothing wrong. What would you do? Just curious.

Well, first I'd realize that no matter how the buyer phrases it, in the end it means the exact same thing. Second I'd realize that stressing out over something I can't control will cut time off my life.

It's a happier place.

That Vic 1 is a really nice example. It'll sell. Sometime.
"He who dies with the most shellac wins"- some nutty record geek

I got PTSD from Peter F's avatar

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