ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

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Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

A blues song called "All the 78 RPM Records Were Broken in the Album"

Verse 1:
Well, I went to my shelf to find my favorite album,
But when I opened it up, I was in a quandrum.
All my 78 RPM records were in there,
But every single one was cracked beyond repair.

All the 78 RPM records were broken in the album,
And I'm feeling so low, I can hardly call 'em.
I can't hear the music that once made me smile,
All I've got is a stack of shattered vinyl.

Verse 2:
I tried to put 'em back together with some glue,
But it just made a mess, and what could I do?
My heart was heavy, and my soul was blue,
I'd lost my most cherished tunes.

All the 78 RPM records were broken in the album,
And I'm feeling so low, I can hardly call 'em.
I can't hear the music that once made me smile,
All I've got is a stack of shattered vinyl.

Verse 3:
Now I'm gonna have to go and find them all again,
But I don't know if I can bear the pain.
The memories of those songs are still so dear,
But without the records, they're no longer near.

All the 78 RPM records were broken in the album,
And I'm feeling so low, I can hardly call 'em.
I can't hear the music that once made me smile,
All I've got is a stack of shattered vinyl.

So now I'm left with nothing but a sad, sad song,
Wondering how I'll ever move along.
All my 78 RPM records were broken in the album,
And I'm left with nothing but a broken-down anthem.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

One more blues song. This one’s called “The Improper Packing Blues:

Verse 1:
I ordered some old records online,
Hoping to hear them in a little time.
But when they arrived, my heart sank low,
The records were shattered, and I felt the blow.

I got the Improper Packing Blues,
All my records are broken, and I've got nothing to lose.
I paid good money, but it's all gone to waste,
Now I'm stuck with broken records and a bitter taste.

Verse 2:
The seller said they'd packed them with care,
But it seems they didn't do it fair.
They left the records loose and unprotected,
Now my hopes of hearing them are rejected.

I got the Improper Packing Blues,
All my records are broken, and I've got nothing to lose.
I paid good money, but it's all gone to waste,
Now I'm stuck with broken records and a bitter taste.

Verse 3:
Now I'm left with a box full of shards,
And I'm feeling like I've been dealt some hard cards.
I'll have to try and glue them back together,
But I know they won't sound the same forever.

I got the Improper Packing Blues,
All my records are broken, and I've got nothing to lose.
I paid good money, but it's all gone to waste,
Now I'm stuck with broken records and a bitter taste.

So now I'm warning you, all you buyers out there,
Make sure your sellers know how to pack with care.
Don't let yourself get caught in this losing game,
And end up with nothing but the Improper Packing Blues.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

A blues song about cylinders:

Verse 1:
I got my Amberol cylinder, ready to play it loud,
But when I put it on the phonograph, it made an awful sound.
The cylinder was broken, I could hear it in the tone,
I'm stuck with a broken Amberol, and I'm feeling all alone.

I got the Broken Amberol Blues,
Feeling so low, I've got nothing to lose.
No more music to ease my troubled mind,
Just a broken Amberol, and a sad, sad time.

Verse 2:
I tried to play it anyway, but the sound was all wrong,
The music I longed to hear, was gone, gone, gone.
My heart sank low, as I heard the scratchy noise,
I'm stuck with a broken Amberol, and no more joyful noise.

I got the Broken Amberol Blues,
Feeling so low, I've got nothing to lose.
No more music to ease my troubled mind,
Just a broken Amberol, and a sad, sad time.

Verse 3:
Now I'm searching high and low, for a way to fix my disk,
I'll try to mend it up, and make it sound brisk.
I'll never give up on my old cylinder friend,
I'll keep on working, until my troubles end.

I got the Broken Amberol Blues,
Feeling so low, I've got nothing to lose.
No more music to ease my troubled mind,
Just a broken Amberol, and a sad, sad time.

So now I'm here, feeling mighty blue,
With a broken Amberol, what can I do?
I'll just keep on searching, for a way to mend my sound,
And until then, I'll just keep on singing, my Broken Amberol Blues.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

Here’s a song called “He’s Polk Miller!”

He was a soldier, a fiddler too
Polk Miller was a man who knew
How to tell a story and make us feel
The joys and sorrows of the reel

He's Polk Miller, a man of his time
With a fiddle in his hand, and a heart full of rhyme
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you cry
Polk Miller, he's a legend, that's no lie

Verse 2:
From Virginia to the northern states
Polk Miller traveled with his mates
Sharing tunes and tales from the past
Memories that would forever last

He's Polk Miller, a man of his time
With a fiddle in his hand, and a heart full of rhyme
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you cry
Polk Miller, he's a legend, that's no lie

Verse 3:
The Civil War was a part of his life
A struggle that brought both pain and strife
But with his music, he found a way
To bring people together, come what may

He's Polk Miller, a man of his time
With a fiddle in his hand, and a heart full of rhyme
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you cry
Polk Miller, he's a legend, that's no lie

Verse 4:
Now he's gone, but his legacy lives on
In the tunes and stories that he spun
Polk Miller, a true American son
A legend in his time, second to none

He's Polk Miller, a man of his time
With a fiddle in his hand, and a heart full of rhyme
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you cry
Polk Miller, he's a legend, that's no lie.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

The lyrics to : “Cal Stewart was Uncle Josh”

Verse 1:
There was a man from Ohio,
A storyteller and a singer too,
His name was Cal Stewart,
And his alter ego, Uncle Josh, came through.

Cal Stewart was Uncle Josh,
A man who knew how to spin a yarn,
His humor, wit, and folksy charm,
Made us laugh, and warmed our hearts.

Verse 2:
From the late 1800s to the early 1900s,
Cal Stewart recorded over a hundred skits,
In which he portrayed Uncle Josh,
A rural character that everyone missed.

Cal Stewart was Uncle Josh,
A man who knew how to spin a yarn,
His humor, wit, and folksy charm,
Made us laugh, and warmed our hearts.

Through his voice and his guitar,
Cal Stewart brought joy near and far,
His legacy still echoes strong,
And we still sing along.

Cal Stewart was Uncle Josh,
A man who knew how to spin a yarn,
His humor, wit, and folksy charm,
Made us laugh, and warmed our hearts.

So let's raise a glass to Cal Stewart,
And the legacy of Uncle Josh he brought,
May his humor and his music live on,
And bring joy to those who sought.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

The Billy Murray Gospel Song

Verse 1:
Billy Murray had a gift from God above,
A voice that carried His message of love,
With every note, he brought His grace,
And touched the hearts of those in every place.

Praise the Lord for Billy Murray,
A messenger of His divine glory,
Through his music, we hear the story,
Of salvation and eternal glory.

Verse 2:
From hymns to spirituals, he sang them all,
His faith and devotion, he did recall,
In every word, he proclaimed the truth,
And spread the gospel to the old and youth.

Praise the Lord for Billy Murray,
A messenger of His divine glory,
Through his music, we hear the story,
Of salvation and eternal glory.

Through trials and tribulations, he persevered,
His faith in God, he always revered,
And with his voice, he touched the soul,
And helped us to reach our eternal goal.

Praise the Lord for Billy Murray,
A messenger of His divine glory,
Through his music, we hear the story,
Of salvation and eternal glory.

So let us all lift our voices high,
And sing praises to the Most High,
For the gift of Billy Murray's voice,
That made our souls rejoice. Amen.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

Lyrics to “Dan W Quinn A Hero We All Need”

Verse 1:
In the days of old, when music was young,
Dan W Quinn, his voice, it sung,
From vaudeville to the big stage,
He brought joy to every age.

Dan W Quinn, the hero we all need,
A voice that fills our hearts with glee,
His songs, they lift our spirits high,
And we still sing them with a sigh.

Verse 2:
From "Silver Threads Among the Gold,"
To "After the Ball," his voice, it rolled,
His humor and his charm, they shone,
And brought the crowd, to him they'd be drawn.

Dan W Quinn, the hero we all need,
A voice that fills our hearts with glee,
His songs, they lift our spirits high,
And we still sing them with a sigh.

Through the years, his voice, it aged,
But his spirit, it never caged,
And even now, his legacy lives,
Through his songs, we still thrive.

Dan W Quinn, the hero we all need,
A voice that fills our hearts with glee,
His songs, they lift our spirits high,
And we still sing them with a sigh.

So let us all raise our voices,
And sing praises to the hero we all need,
Dan W Quinn, his songs, they still ring true,
And bring joy to me and you.

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Marco Gilardetti
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by Marco Gilardetti »

Well, while it's remarkable that these verses were written by AI, where I really seem to find pure genius is in your idea of asking to write a song about crap-o-phones! :lol: :lol: :lol: When AI will conceive by itself the idea of writing a song or poem about crap-o-phones, well, then I'll be really amazed! ;)

Another interesting snippet is that in one of these songs 78s are described as "vinyls", which clearly shows that AI learned by incorporating the many mistakes that ordinary people do in this matter, and ended up repeating the same mistake.

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

Marco Gilardetti wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:46 am
Another interesting snippet is that in one of these songs 78s are described as "vinyls", which clearly shows that AI learned by incorporating the many mistakes that ordinary people do in this matter, and ended up repeating the same mistake.
And here’s a song addressing that!

(Verse 1)
I found a record at the thrift store
It was dusty and a bit of a bore
But when I put it on the player
I knew that I found a rare treasure

78s made of shellac
Not vinyl, that's a fact
They're a bit more fragile
But the sound is so worthwhile

(Verse 2)
In the early days of recorded sound
Shellac was the best that could be found
It was a natural material
From insects that were quite plentiful

78s made of shellac
Not vinyl, that's a fact
They're a bit more fragile
But the sound is so worthwhile

You gotta handle them with care
Don't drop them or you'll tear
But if you treat them right
They'll sing to you all night

78s made of shellac
Not vinyl, that's a fact
They're a bit more fragile
But the sound is so worthwhile

So when you find one in the bin
Take it home, let it spin
And you'll hear the old-timey sound
Of a 78 record, that's been around

Victor V
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Re: ChatGPT generated songs about machines and artists!

Post by AmberolaAndy »

Not only I can generate songs I can get it to generate stories about records and machines.

I typed in this prompt: Write a story. It’s December 1898, and you bought a Graphophone.

The results turned out like this:

It was December of 1898, and I had just purchased a new Graphophone. The device was a marvel of engineering and promised to bring music into my home like never before.

As I set up the Graphophone in my living room, I was filled with excitement. I had heard about this new invention that allowed people to record and play back sound, and I couldn't wait to experience it for myself.

I quickly went to the nearest music store and picked up a few cylinders that were compatible with my Graphophone. I chose some popular songs of the day, including "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa and "After the Ball" by Charles K. Harris.

As I played the first cylinder on my Graphophone, I was transported to a world of sound that I had never heard before. The music was tinny and scratchy, but it was still magical to hear music coming from a machine that I had set up myself.

Over the next few weeks, I continued to experiment with my Graphophone. I recorded my own voice and listened back to it, marveling at the fact that I could capture sound in this way.

The Graphophone quickly became a source of entertainment for me and my family. We would gather around the machine and listen to music, marveling at the fact that we could now bring music into our home at any time we wanted.

Looking back on that December of 1898, I realize that the Graphophone was a turning point in the way that people experienced music. It was the beginning of a new era of sound recording and playback, and it paved the way for the technology that we enjoy today.

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