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Main page forum link needs correction

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:03 am
by Stunned
It appears that the forum link on the main webpage points to the non-existent Proboards forum (

Since it is easier to remember, it might be helpful to modify the forum link to

Thanks for continuing this wonderful phonograph forum, and never lose heart!

Re: Main page forum link needs correction

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:42 am
by Neophone

Yes that link will be fixed very soon, probably before the day is out. Our underpaid engineering officer has been kept very busy getting us up and running. Thank you for the heads-up and the support.

I'd like to take a second to thank him publicly for all he's done. David-thank you very much, without your unceasing labor we couldn't have done this! you have given freely of your time and uncomplainingly catered to my whims and fancies in setting up and designing this and the previous forum, my fledgling site and a related one as well as videotaping and editing my YouTube clips not to mention the favors you have done for my friends here. Thank you sir! you have my gratitude.


Re: Main page forum link needs correction

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:36 am
by MordEth
Neophone wrote:Yes that link will be fixed very soon, probably before the day is out. Our underpaid engineering officer has been kept very busy getting us up and running. Thank you for the heads-up and the support.
Promise made, promise kept. It’s fixed. I had meant to do it yesterday, but it slipped my mind with all of the other frantic things I was trying to get accomplished before having to run off. The to-do list for this new board is high, but I wanted to get as much working properly as soon as possible, and I really don’t have everything fully prioritized yet.

I’m traveling on business, so all work is currently being done via wireless internet at a hotel, at the moment. ;)
I'd like to take a second to thank him publicly for all he's done. David-thank you very much, without your unceasing labor we couldn't have done this! you have given freely of your time and uncomplainingly catered to my whims and fancies in setting up and designing this and the previous forum, my fledgling site and a related one as well as videotaping and editing my YouTube clips not to mention the favors you have done for my friends here. Thank you sir! you have my gratitude. might get people to disbelieve the lies of a former board ‘admin’ who succeeded in ruining not one but two sites with a wealth of phonograph information and discussion. I saw just a moment ago that he is still busy complaining about how I ‘hacked’ his board and destroyed it, and it’s laughable to me that anyone still believes this. That anyone would support him after the continued attacks against other people and libel is very depressing to me, and it was unsurprising that ProBoards took down his board for flagrant Terms of Service violations. (The man has no shame—earlier this week he attempted to threaten my employer, because supposedly I am using company property to attack him. Obviously I deserve to be fired and have no income, because I would want to help a friend to provide everyone a friendly place to discuss phonographs.)

Everyone here is very welcome; I have received a lot of positive comments and thanks since we started the previous board, and I still really think that this board will only continue to improve. Let other boards rant about how evil I am, and how they are busy saving the internet from me—we already have more members, more posts, and in a moment I have quite a few label images to get back up on here, especially some new ones from Fredrik.
Stunned wrote:Thanks for continuing this wonderful phonograph forum, and never lose heart!
I cannot speak for John, but I refuse to back down before the threats of malice-filled backwoods bigots. We will always have a home, and by running this bulletin board software, all posts/user accounts/etc. can be regularly backed up and archived on another server (a feature ProBoards does not provide, no matter what a certain ‘admin’ has claimed.) As long as you (our members collectively) enjoy the discussions on your board, I will continue to do my best to provide the best possible place to hold them.

I’ve been fortunate to get to know many of you since we started, and hopefully I will continue to get to know you better, while contributing my web-monkey and Photoshop skills to The Talking Machine Forum. Already I’m learning more from you (once again, collectively) about the machines and the music.

Your friendly internet daemon,


Re: Main page forum link needs correction

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:50 am
by Neophone

Thank you! :D
