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Please help for horn identification

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:18 am
by phonodesbois
I have way too much unused horns sitting in my house and it appeared that, at least for some of them, I just don’t know on which machine they were used.

Except the petals shape (similar to Pathé horns), the larger one looks as an HMV and I’m pretty sure it had a nut soldered to accommodate an HMV type elbow.
The smaller one can only be mounted with a 3cm elbow which is quite small given the horn size and weight.
The third one could be for a large Symphonion machine.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot

Re: Please help for horn identification

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:37 am
by Oedipus
The first horn you show is indeed HMV --or rather, to be more accurate, G & T. It was the earliest type of Morning Glory horn, made by the German firm Industria, and replaced at an early date, probably about 1905-6, by the more familiar, and stronger, pattern with concave petal ends, made by the Tea Tray company in the USA. Your horn would be suitable for any early taper-arm Monarch or Monarch Senior.

Re: Please help for horn identification

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:10 am
by phonodesbois
Thanks for the info!
I did not know that some G&T machines had convex petals ends and it seems that few machines have such a horn.
Personally I do prefer the concave petals ends….