KAB Electro Acoustics

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Victor II
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Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:07 pm
Location: Netherlands

KAB Electro Acoustics

Post by bart1927 »

KAB Electro Acoustics http://www.kabusa.com is the producer of the much praised Souvenir VSP (Vintage Signal Processor, to be found in the "phono preamps section").
He also sells various phono related items such as turntables and custom styli. The company is run by Kevin Barrett. He is a very nice and helpful person. Because I am in the Netherlands and the VSP is designed for use with 110V/60Hz (we have 230V/50 Hz) it was necessary for me to buy a different power pak. Also the VSP needed to be modified a little bit. Kevin was very helpful, and provided the necessary modifications free of charge. The VSP is a great piece of equipment, I use it on all my transfers (as do several other board members). And considering the fact that they are all hand made one at the time by Kevin, they are not that expensive ($ 600).

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