2) Do not post links to eBay or Craigslist ads in this section. These types of posts should go here.
3) All posts in the Yankee Trader section are now required to have a title EXACTLY matching of of the following formats (including all punctuation and spacing). Copy and paste from this post if you need to:
FOR SALE: Title of Object For Sale - $0.00
If you are accepting offers, you may use:
FOR SALE: Title of Object For Sale - INQUIRE
If you are listing multiple items, you may use:
FOR SALE: Title of Objects For Sale - VARIOUS
WANTED: Title of Object Wanted
4) If your listing title exceeds the character limit, do not omit the price, instead you should shorten or abbreviate your description.TRADE: Title of Object For Trade
5) Once the Item has been sold or found, the title should be updated to one the following (Do NOT remove the price from your listing title):
SOLD: Title of Object For Sale - $0.00
FOUND: Title of Object Wanted
6) Do not specify "OBO" or "Best offer", these things are implied. If your price is firm, say so in the body of your listing, not the title.TRADED: Title of Object For Trade
7) Any posts not following this format will be deleted without notice.
8) Do not bump your post to the top by typing "bump". You may use the bump button when it becomes available once every 7 days, or you may update your post to indicate a price reduction.