Edison Bashing

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Victor III
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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by Andersun »

I had a friend who was from Hawaii. I gave him a Toots Pakas cylinder because he was interested in my phonograph collection. He told me he wanted me to find him an Edison phonograph to play the cylinder. I told him I would look out for him. About a month later, I found a nice machine for him and he told me he was not interested in anything Edison anymore because he learned about Edison electrocuting an elephant. I tried to explain to him that Edison was trying to demonstrate the danger of AC power vs. DC power. He was in a fight against Westinghouse and knew the bad uses that AC power could used for like capital punishment. We electrocute people every year and my ex-friend worries about an Elephant that Edison fried 100 years ago!

By the way, I believe in capitol punishment.

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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by phonogfp »

That film of the elephant being electrocuted has done more to damage Edison's reputation than any of his wrong-headed business decisions. I'm afraid this has less to do with Edison himself than the current social climate that seeks to elevate animal life to a sort of deified status. (In New York state, where I live, people routinely receive heavier sentences for abusing/neglecting their pets than for abusing/neglecting their children!) My wife and I were visiting the George Eastman House a couple of weeks ago, and I overheard a clearly outraged young man remarking on the numerous animal skins and stuffed heads that decorate the mansion. "So Eastman loved animals, huh?!" (I'm glad I wasn't wearing a leather jacket.) It's all part of the same narrow judgment that imposes modern standards upon actions of earlier historical periods, ultimately painting our founding fathers as racists, all men as sexists, and people like Edison and Eastman as animal murderers. "Never mind what Edison accomplished in his lifetime - - he electrocuted a killer elephant, so I spit on his grave!" Man, it's getting so the world isn't fit for heroes... :cry:

George P.

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Victor II
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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by Viva-Tonal »

Sheesh. What did they expect Edison to do--electrocute himself?

Victor V
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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by JohnM »

Edison-bashing is part of the socio-economic conspiracy to brainwash people into thinking that one has to have a college degree to merit respect/wealth/authority . . . a distinctly self-perpetuating, self-aggrandizing post-industrial 20th century mind-set. IOW, they're just jealous. John M
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Victor II
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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by Viva-Tonal »

Edison lasted....what was it, three weeks or three months in school? Thereafter, he was home schooled!

Victor V
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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by JohnM »

Observe how Edison has been de-emphasized in school text books/curricula -- even at the Ford Museum -- all part of the brainwashing and all administered by those already brainwashed (college graduates). Why, if the word got out and was officially santioned (taught) that one could make one's way in this world without paying thousands of dollars for one's own brainwashing, it could really mess up the system of exclusivity that has taken so long to put in place (see also: frat house mentality).
John 'The Philistine' M.
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Re: Edison Bashing

Post by Schmaltz »

Part of the gradually increasing emphasis away from the individual and toward the tribal. That accounts for the increase in tatoos and piercings which are marks of tribal membership. I could go on about that, but you get the idea.
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